The Box They Check

When clients first come into our offices and are requesting services, we have an initial intake application. Things that you and I may consider normal for an application can be found on the sheet. Name, date of birth, income, emergency contact…the regular assemblage of basic information that links to a person to their identity. 

There is a little box that often goes unchecked out next to the blank for the address. It says, “homeless." When you don’t have a place to lay down your head down at night, it becomes obvious that you are missing some pretty basic information. 

Despite the reality of their situation, many people don’t check the box. They will say things like, “I’m not homeless, I have a truck to sleep in.” or “I’m staying with my brother, so I’m not homeless.” It’s heartbreaking to watch someone hear themselves out loud and recognize that they should check the box. 

But today is a good day. A day in which the case manager gets to pull out the old application, mark through the check mark that indicates homelessness, and fill in the address portion of the paperwork. Four families that have been working hard to stabilize their situations will have a key placed in their hand. Four families will get to walk through the doors and step into a new chapter in a new space. 

A place to lay their head down.

A place to receive their mail and refrigerate their ice-cream. 

A place to call home. 

-Sarah Wilson, Case Manager

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