End of Year 2022

Why Conway Ministry Center? Why now?

Hello precious friends of the CMC.

As we quickly approach the end of 2022, we are both celebrating what God has done and eagerly anticipating what only He can do next.

We are days away from what will, without a doubt, be another year of massive growth and transition. We are training new staff. We are launching new programs and expanding others. We are entering into the next phase of temporarily sheltering homeless families while we campaign to build our Refuge Family Shelter dorms onsite. There is so much to be thankful for, and you are on that list.

I want to take a moment to share a few year-end totals with you. We always want to be transparent about the impact your donations make in this community. None of our programs could thrive without your support, service, and prayer.

● Our Case Management program provided 442 assistance payments and case managed 916 individuals.

● Our Rehousing program moved 49 homeless families into a home of their own.

● Our Homeless Hub provides services to 221 individuals experiencing homelessness in Conway.

● Our Storehouse Food Pantry provided over 241,000 lbs. of food to 14,300 family members.

● Our brand new Winter Refuge Family Shelter program is currently housing ten families while providing in-depth case management services. Four of those are on the brink of completing the program and moving into a home of their own.

In addition to these tangible services, our clients are being encouraged, listened to, cared for, prayed for, and hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their moment of great need. The value of that cannot be measured. All of this takes place only by the grace of God and the obedience of His people.

So why us? Why now? Because your generosity to Conway Ministry Center has an immediate impact right now on the families we are already serving. It will also help fortify this ministry to allow us to step into a huge, bright future. A future where families not only receive services, but some will live here with us while their lives are forever changed. By the Grace of God. For the Glory of God.

We would be greatly honored if you would prayerfully consider giving your year-end gift to Conway

Ministry Center. We know how many wonderful organizations deserve investment. We are incredibly grateful that you might choose us.

In His Service,

Spring Hunter

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