A Letter from Spring

Beloved Friends of the Conway Ministry Center,

Each year, I continue to be amazed by how God uses His people to impact the lives of so many in our community. It is difficult to capture in writing all that takes place on this campus throughout the year. I have the awesome privilege of seeing the faces, hearing the stories, and seeing the growth over time. I hope that I can give you a small glimpse of that here. There are two very distinct facets of this ministry work that I hope to share in this letter. They are polar opposites, but both facets are occurring simultaneously because of your faithfulness in giving, serving, and prayer. Through you, Conway Ministry Center is ministering to masses while still being about ministry to the individual. 

2019 was a year of new “records” for Conway Ministry Center. In every area of programming, more families and individuals in crisis were served. More families were housed, more individuals received one on one case management, thousands more received food, hygiene, and household necessities. More homeless were sheltered through the winter than ever before. The sheer volume of needs met was staggering this year. Stay tuned for our 2019 impact report. There is so much to celebrate with you!

I am so thankful to be a part of such a great outpouring to the masses, but my heart will always return to the beautiful, unique individuals themselves. I cannot express how grateful I am to serve in a ministry that never loses sight of the importance of the precious children of God that we encounter each day. Each one an individual that God has placed in our path.

The best way I can think to communicate this is to share what I saw in the span of just a few hours last week. The campus was buzzing with activity, and I was able to walk around for a bit and take it all in. Upstairs, volunteers were serving up a hot breakfast in the Warming Station. Each homeless guest was met with a warm smile and asked what they would like from the morning offerings of chicken and biscuits, with gravy and hashbrowns. Others offered pastries and poured up orange juice. Our homeless guests were lined up and beaming ear to ear. After breakfast, staff, volunteers and homeless clients shared ideas on what it might look like to open a ‘real shelter” someday soon.

Downstairs, I saw Storehouse volunteers in a large circle clasping hands to pray for every hungry soul that would pass through the pantry that day. An hour later, that same room was filled with clients being greeted with more smiles and sometimes hugs. Names, not numbers, were being called as personal shoppers explained to first time clients that they would be able to choose items that best met their family’s individual needs. By the end of their shopping experience, clients were huddled with volunteers pouring out prayers to the God we so desperately hope they encounter on our campus. 

In the main office, Denay was carefully listening to a client share the difficult circumstances that brought them to our door. In the next room, our case manager Sarah was helping a homeless client with his final steps toward securing permanent housing, a client I have watched her spend countless hours with.

While I am amazed by the volume, I am completely blown away by the care and value that is placed on the precious individuals that come to the Conway Ministry Center for help. None of this happens without God’s people saying “yes” when He tugs their hearts. We serve from an old building with a tiny staff, but the results are incredible because of you. On paper, it hardly makes sense that this outpouring could take place here. But you are faithful in giving of your resources. You are faithful in service. You are faithful in prayer. The fruit of your investment is nothing short of miraculous. We praise God for you. Thank you, friends, for blessing this community, our staff, and me personally more than you could know.

In His Love,
Spring Hunter

Jessica Crum